
Research Interests (selection)

  • Clinical Trials
    • with a focus on complex clinical trial designs such as master protocols
  • Development and Evaluation of Biomarkers incl. Companion Diagnostics (CDx)
  • Model-based Boosting
    • Model Building and Model Choice
    • GAMLSS
  • Reproducible Research

Ongoing Projects

  • COMBINE - Collaboration for prevention and treatment of MDR bacterial infections (2019 - 2025)

  • PEI Regulatory Research (PhD Programme) (2021-2024)

    • Research project on Master Protocols
    • Project lead: PD Dr. Benjamin Hofner
  • Artificial intelligence pipeline to support regulators (KIMERBA) (2022-2024)

    • BMG-funded research project on AI use for improved and standardized pre- and post-approval assessment
    • Project lead: Dr. Renate König

Previous Projects and Clinical Studies

  • EU-PEARL - EU patient-centric clinical trial platform (2019-2023)

  • PacCis-RCT
    Randomisierte Phase III-Studie zur Radiochemotherapie lokal weit fortgeschrittener Kopf-Hals-Tumoren der Stadien III und IVA-B: Reduktion der Strahlendosis im Rahmen der Radiochemotherapie (RCT) mit Paclitaxel/Cisplatin im Vergleich zu einer Standard-RCT mit 5-FU/Cisplatin.
    Homepage der Studie,

  • Triple A Initiative Study- Aktionsplan Akute Atemnot
    A prospective randomized study of coordinated diagnostic pathways and treatment algorithms for patients with acute dyspnea including point-of-care testting of cardiac biomarkers by the Emergency Medical Service team.

  • Zukunftswerkstatt Demenz
    Kontrollierte klinische Studie zur Evaluation des Konzepts Edukation Demenz. Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit.


  • "gmds-Förderpreis 2009"

    awarded by the "Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V." (gmds) for an outstanding thesis in the area of medical biometry for my thesis "Variable Selection and Model Choice on Survival Models with Time-Varying Effects".

  • "Bernd-Streitberg-Preis 2009"

    awarded by the International Biometric Society - German Region (IBS-DR) for outstanding biometrical publications and theses for my thesis "Variable Selection and Model Choice on Survival Models with Time-Varying Effects".


Editorial Work

Organisation of Workshops and Sessions